Chefs at Haddington Making Pancakes

Pancake Day Fun For Everyone

Pancake Day brought a copious amount of pancake making to Haddington Care Home. With the help of our chefs, residents enjoyed an unlimited amount of crepe style pancakes with a sweet topping of their choice.

resident with chef

Many residents opted for the traditional lemon and sugar crepe, while others enjoyed the more indulgent topping of chocolate sauce.

The chefs here are Haddington occasionally take themselves out of the kitchen to provide residents with the food they have prepared for them. They also appreciate residents' feedback regarding the food as it's important to our chefs that our residents are always satisfied, and welcome any suggestions. This as a whole enables residents and staff to form stronger relationships with one another as we take the time to get to know their likes and dislikes, and regularly engage in conversation.

We ensure to celebrate a multitude of special days and occasions no matter how big or small, so there is always something to look forward to within our community.

If you are interested in knowing more about the services and facilities at Haddington Care Home, or would like to visit a tour of our home, get in touch with our friendly team today.

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